Since the majority of 2011 was not recorded on this blog, I thought I'd consolidate all the fun nothings we got ourselves into this past year into one post. I hope it's not too long and unexciting for you to read.
Here we go.
The beginning of the year:
Jobi went to BOLC (and I got to visit him for a few days)
so me and the girls went to Washington to stay with my sister and her family
and had way to much fun with them... for some reason these are the only pictures I have.
In July, Blondie turned 1
and we celebrated at the pool
I made her birthday cake with fondent... that was fun.
A month later I saw this... and wanted to punch Jobi in the gut. :-)
In November, Almonds turned 3
so we celebrated at the park
and with Jobi's family.
This Halloween I skipped dressing me and Jobi and just focused on the girls' costumes. I took some pictures, but they didn't come out well because the girls just ran around flaunting them. But we captured a couple of videos, so here is one:
Did I mention that Blondie won the "Cutest Costume" award at the ward party?
It has been a year of lots of fun nothings and I'm more than excited to see what next year will hold for us. Happy New Year everyone!
Love the pictures! Glad you guys had a good year!